And the award goes to.........

Yayyyy I received this award from
Thankyou Joanie for choosing my blog Im soooooo happy!!!
I started this blog less than 2 months ago and I have gotten so much
love and support from friends, family and people that I have never met before. Im thankful and blessed for everything....
In order to accept this award I must answer these questions:
Q1) Name your favorite color? Robin Egg Blue
Q3) Name your favorite dessert? Pistachio Ice Cream
Q4) What annoys you at the moment? The new facebook lay-out ugh
Q5) Your favorite pet? My dogs Biscuit and Cookie, they are my babies :)
Q6) Black or White? Both. Polka dots, stripes, demask
Q7) Your biggest fear? Something happening to my family
Q8) Best Feature? My eyebrows lol seriously
Q9) Everyday attitude? Live like its your last day here on earth- I try to keep this attitude everyday but its very hard, i fail miserbly
Q10) What is perfection? God
Q11) Guilty Pleasure? Anything sweet
Im going to pass this award to a very talented lady Emilia! Its amazing how she creates these mini animal toppers and figurines. You can see her work at
Emilia, you can give this award to anybody you think is worthy. Then link back here and don't forget to paste the award to your blog. And dont forget in order to accept the award you have to answer the questions!
Thanks for stopping by :)